Thursday, October 22, 2015

So this week not much happened. Except we got nihonjin and iPads!!! We got the group of fast track missionaries that will go to Japan with us. We should all get travel plans tomorrow. 

We learned a lot of things in the MTC, but I am still so grateful every day that I took Japanese from Dr. Pearce. We still haven't quite caught up to what  we learned. The thing that is continually improving is the way that I talk. It is super weird to know so many different ways to say because.

We learned the true meaning of D&C 130 20-21. When we were obedient to our schedule and blocked out our study time we all gained the same blessing, we can now all talk really fast. 

I can't believe how fast the MTC has gone!!! There is so much to look back on it seems like a lifetime, demo it seems like yesterday that we got here. Yesterday we all took the challenge to speak only nihongo, it was
really hard to talk to other people, but we learned so much. Our Kohai are improving and since they've been here a week they have to pray at night for zone prayer.  It is so cool being able to  watch the green beans grow! 

English is getting harder and harder, the grammar doesn't make much sense.  Spelling is definitely the hardest thing on the planet, we have so many rules and we follow almost none of them. Why? One of our sensei, Kawamura Shimai, has a big trouble with spelling and at the beginning of the MTC, she would ask us for help. Now none of us can spell words, so we type them into our iPads and then it does its auto correct thing.

The only food you can survive on here is junk food and that sucks, I like junk food, but I'm going to get fat . . . well more fat.  Hahaha. 

My volleyball skills have greatly improved, I am definitely not on the McCrAnthony's level, but my sets are pretty amazing . . . not to brag or anything. But the nihonjin like playing with me and they are amazing, one of the Shimai played in school and she is so good. It feels really nice to be complimented by someone who is as good as her. "McCrAnthony"  is Elders McCreery and Anthony--they did a volleyball play last week where McCreery gave him a set and Anthony jumped off of his (McCreery's) back and spiked the ball, earning a point.

Anyway, we all have had a great time at the MTC. Many blessings have been poured out upon us and lots of sentences were misunderstood. 

Also, for a while, our investigators both thought that were are resurrected as cats...not sure why they both said cats, but ok. We are not resurrected as cats, or dogs, or mice, or lizards, or monkeys, still not dogs, or beetles... This is how one of our lessons went for about ten minutes. It was great! I love the gospels and its teachings. I've learned so much while I've been here. 

Here's to another great week. 愛していますよ。

and thus I end mine epistle, amen.

Dante didn't send any pictures this week, but these are all courtesy of Elder Graydon and his mom.  Thank you!!

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