Sunday, June 19, 2016

Pictures are included...but batteries are not.


   Well this week, as I said above, was fun. We had a god time and talked to a lot of people. We also were able to talk a lot about Christ and His teachings this week and, because of that, and through
God's grace, we were able to see many small miracles.

   But before I get to that, let me tell you all the other stuff we did this week! Hahahaha! On Monday, we were able to have a good pday. We emailed and then went out for lunch and had shabu shabu. It was pretty good, and then we put in too much stuff and the two different boiling sauces kinda mixed into one, but that was still good. And then we ordered a type of meat that came with a bowl of leek and we didn't  realized it so we ordered six. And so we got six bowls of leek as well. And now I'm never going to eat leek again. Hahaha! And then we went shopping for food! Yay.

   That night, we went with Mochizuki Kyodai and visited Tezuka-San and had a great lesson! Then we went and visited a member and had a good little message that involved...magic! It was fun and we had a good time.

   Then on Tuesday, we had a service opportunity! We got to go trim the trees of one of the less-active members that we visit and it was a good time. And then we had a service night that night and went up to the Nakajima family and taught the son! He is going to learn about the church now, because he wants to be baptized. So cool!

   On Wednesday, we went to visit our favorite guy, Watanabe Kyodai! We shared a little message with him and then did a magic trick. Unfortunately, I asked him to not say anything if he saw his card and when I payed it face up with a bunch of other cards, he told Elder Day which one it was. I had to just pretend like I didn't hear and keep going. Later he pointed to his card and things, but then when I chose a card and asked if it was his card, he was still like, "that was really cool." And then he looked at us and said, "you two are really good at magic." I love old people.

   On Thursday, we had a great lesson with the Fukatsu family and a great lunch, except that Elder Day is allergic to cats a little bit and they have four. That was a struggle. Good thing we are in Japan
and there was a face mask handy. Then that night we got to go help with Numazu's eikaiwa class again. It was fun, I still miss ours, but I still like teaching no matter where I go.

   Then on Friday, we had to do some planning because we didn't have time on Thursday. Then we had a meeting with the High Priest Group Leader and that was good. I like working with the different
auxiliaries in the ward. 

   On Saturday, we biked up to visit a less active member that usually comes to eikaiwa, but hasn't been coming recently. Also we had found a name card from a past Elder with a message to her when we were cleaning our apartment. So we biked up to visit her and it was far! Not as far as we've biked recently, but it was uphill and really hot! She was really happy to see us, we just barely caught her in time. It was pretty good! Then we had a lesson with Ooki Kyodai that night and we were talking and he asked us to help him prepare to enter the temple! So cool! He is such a strong member and he has an amazing testimony! I can't wait to see him be able to go! So we now have a goal to work with him every week.

   Also that day, we got to have a church tour and a great lesson with Yatomi and he was really into it. And when we introduced the Book of Mormon and asked if we could give it to him. He was really excited and was like, "really? I can have this?" And he said he was excited to read it. Next week with him, we are going to go to his otera and learn about what they do there. It's awesome, because he doesn't want to tell us we are wrong and that Buddhism is correct, just he wants to share with us so we can know about it too.

   Then on Sunday, we had stake conference and it was super special because we watched a satellite broadcast of Elder Bednar and other General Authorities and also we had the Asia North Area President speak! It was a great experience. And after church we tried to visit some people with a member, but they weren't home...oh well. And we had a lesson that a guy didn't show up to, but we got to use that time to update all of our records. So that was good at least. And at night, we
had a great lesson with Sai! It was awesome, we talked about faith and feeling the spirit and he said he will pray and read the Book of Mormon every day this week! And he played guitar for us and taught me a song! So we invited him to the music night we are having on Saturday and since we are in charge, we told him if he wants to bring his guitar he can play a song there too!

  So overall, it was a pretty good week! We had lots of good experiences and learned a lot! I'm glad I got to work so hard in Fuji this week, even though it was hot ;)

 Beautiful sunset and the top of my mountain!


My favorite part of the children's bible videos

Sorry that's actually all the pictures I have this week!

Love Elder Richardson... Not as an ending, I'm telling you to. Haha

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