Ladies and gentlemen, I'll tell you a fact. I lost my nickel on a buffalo track, the track was so large and the nickel so small; that, ladies and gentlemen, that's all.
This week was pretty great. We did a lot of biking this week, not quite as much as in Gifu, but still, my legs are a little sore. Fuji has a lot of hills. (Ok maybe not a lot, but the one hill we had to go
up was forever long! We ended up walking part of it...but the way down was great!)
We went to see the ocean on Tuesday and it was really cool. Would've been great kite weather but we didn't think to go to the dollar store first. Then we went up to a park that has a lot of cherry trees and, unfortunately, the Sakura haven't started blooming yet. But we found a museum for Fuji and Princess Kaguya. We want to go see what was up, but it was being redone. Hopefully it will be opened when I'm still in Fuji. Then we got to so with the bishop that night and do some visits,
it was really fun. And he gives out chocolate to everyone! I thought that was pretty funny. And then one of the less active members that we visited came to church! So from now on, if we have less active members that we need to visit, maybe we'll just give them chocolate!! HAHAHA!
On Wednesday, it was really fun! We went and biked up the same hill, we passed the park, and went to the university. It was so far! But then we met this guy who knew who we were! He said that he had done Boy Scouts in Osaka when he was young and still remembered some of the things they taught him. That was really cool, so we told him that we were both eagle scouts and whatnot, and that I had worked at a scout camp. He thought that was really cool, unfortunately we can't meet with him again probably because of his work schedule is not always the same.
Then that night, we went to a Jehovah's Witness sacrament meeting thing. It was really interesting and all the people were way nice. We had been invited to it by missionaries that came to our door last
Tuesday and then on Wednesday, we met the missionaries (different ones) by the eki. And we even met their pastor and he invited us to go, but we were in a different city and so he said that we should go to the one in Fuji. And then he said to bring the flyer so that they would let us in and that if anyone asked we could say that "Nakase" (中瀬that's his name) invited us. And that they would know who he is. So we went and everyone was very nice and they wanted to know why we were there and how we ended up in Japan, etc. We had to leave during the mingling party thing because it was going to be 9:00 when it ended and we had to be home. So that's too bad, but oh well.
So then the next day, Thursday, we went with one of the people that we met on Tuesday on the way up to the park and ate ramen! And we have a really good ramen shop near our house! We all got butter ramen and it was amazing! Then we taught him about the Plan of Salvation. We just barley got. To finish because the. Restaurant was getting full and so there were people waiting to get a table so we just finished and then left. And we gave him a Book of Mormon and he was really excited and wants to read it. Of course, here's the bad news... He is moving to Nagoya to go to the college there and so we can't meet with him anymore because he is busy. So, referral to Nagoya. But it is ok.
Then we had our weekly planning session after that and those are always long and boring. DKK! Yay. Nope, I hate it and so do other missionaries. But it is definitely needed every week so that we can receive the guidance that we need. And then we can know what to do for our investigators.
We then had some time planned to do family history. Recently I have gained a great love for doing it. It is really cool and I love being able to find records of people and especially their stories. Ishii Kaicho is really pushing for us to work on using family history in our missionary work. The spirit of Elijah is real, and it definitely helps people to know that Heavenly Father loves them.
Then on Friday, we went to ZTM in Shizuoka and the afterwards we went to Burger King! And the sisters were there...I guess that Burger King is popular or something. Then we came home and visited our Brazilian Investigator, Philippe! He is super cool! We made a time on Wednesday that we are gong to go play basketball with him. Dang I was hoping for soccer! But oh well! Then we went housing! And we got to talk to almost no one! Yay! Housing can be fun or bad, but either way, at
least we don't have to go to the same houses for a little while! Haha!
Then on Saturday, we did some family history and then the sisters wanted us to meet one of their investigators that they want to pass to us because he is a guy. So we went and he wasn't there...but that was ok, then we went to visit a potential investigator and she was at work. Dang that was 0 for 2! Then we saw two people we knew on the street and so it was worth it! And we saw a pony! We were going to go to a Sakura festival, but the flowers still haven't bloomed yet! So maybe next week. I hope.
Then we had Easter on Sunday! It was great, we had two investigators, well one investigator and one kind of investigator, come to church! So we had our actual gospel principles class! Yay! And then we had Shokujikai! (食事会) it is the best, I want to do it in America! But we probably can't because we have other wards in our building. But maybe if we combined all the wards for just shokujikai... But I digress.
Well anyway that was an interesting week and I look forward to get to see the Sakura sometime soon...maybe.
Well my friends, be excellent to each other and...
Party on Dudes!
-Elder Richardson
Jehovah Witness group
This is Elder Tokuzawa, he gave a devotional yesterday at church!
Left to right: Me, Elder Hansen, Tokuzawa Chouro, Uchimura Shimai, Sister Wynn.
Left to right: Me, Elder Hansen, Tokuzawa Chouro, Uchimura Shimai, Sister Wynn.